The Physics behind Langmuir Probes
Coming soon! ™
Coming soon! ™
Coming soon! ™
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This poster describes some of the synthetic work I undertook to aid in the design of an array of Langmuir Probes targeting turbulence measurements in the SOL in the MAST-U tokamak.
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This Graphical abstract displays some of the design considerations undertaken for the Turbulence Probe Head design.
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Undergraduate course, The University of Warwick, Department of Physics, 2019
Demonstrated for 2nd year undergrads safety in the lab, encouraged them to apply what they had learned in lectures to real-world electronics.
Students were to follow a lab script and build a basic AC to DC variable bench top power supply. Next they were to improve DC supply using an amplifier and diode circuit to smooth the output. Finally, for extra-credit, they were tasked with building the same system/circuit with a more advanced chip that did all of the previous work in one small package.
I was required to run one lab per week, for 3 weeks per group, then mark their lab book within 2 weeks of handing in. Overall I dealt with 6 groups in total, each containing 20+ students.
This demonstration position helped improve my communication skills and lead the students to figure the answer on their own, without explicitly explaining everything. I learned the joy of teaching those who want to be taught. Working in a team of demonstrators allowed us to better manage the needs of the students and direct our attention to where it was needed most.